Should I use hashtags?

Hashtags is one Instagram SEO strategies to increase discoverability and reach
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In this blog post I’m going to teach you how to take on an SEO mindset in your Instagram strategy. It may sound fancy or maybe a little intimidating but SEO just stands for Search Engine Optimization. If you want to increase your reach on Instagram, a strong Instagram SEO strategy is one of the best ways. And hashtags are definitely part of that strategy. But I will also share two other ways in which you can boost your discoverability so you can tap into relevant audiences on the app.

Let’s first define what a hashtag is: a hashtags a word or keyword phrase preceded by a hash symbol (#) On Instagram, hashtags function like keywords do in regular search engines like google – they help users discover relevant content. When you search for a certain hashtag, it’ll show you all the posts tagged with that particular hashtag.  Similarly, tagging your post with a certain hashtag means that the post will show up when someone searches for that particular hashtag. Think of hashtags as the keywords your Ideal Instagram Customer will be using to find what you are offering.

If you're unsure about how searching for hashtags is done, let me explain it quickly: Click on the search icon at the bottom left of your page (the magnifying glass 🔎 symbol), type in what you are looking for in the search bar, and click on the "tags" tab to explore posts associated with the specific hashtag.

Strategic use of hashtags can boost engagement and exposure on Instagram as they are a powerful tool for increasing the visibility and discoverability of your posts.

By including relevant hashtags in your captions or comments, you can categorize your content and make it easier for users interested in those topics to find your posts. Hashtags can be general (#fitness) or specific (#strengthtrainingforwomen) and while you can post up to 30 hashtags I recommend using 5-10 hashtags; a mix of the general an more specific ones; which can help reach a broader audience while also targeting a niche community.

Four types of hashtags #️⃣ to consider:

Location-based hashtags: This is only necessary if you offer in person services and for events/retreats/workshops that you’ll be hosting.

Examples: #costarica #losangeles #brooklyn (country, city, borough)

General hashtags: This is the umbrella keyword that encompasses a larger group of related keywords and topics within a particular niche or industry.

Examples: #yoga #fitness #healthandwellness

Industry hashtags: This describes your occupation.

Examples: #yogainstructor #fitnesstrainer #healthcoach

Descriptive hashtags: This describes the content of your actual post.

Examples: #trianglepose #gluteexercises #healthylifestyle

You can add more relevant hashtag like: #vinyasayoga #athomeworkouts #herbalremedies

Action Step: Write down all the hashtags that come to mind and use 5-10 per post.

Tip: to save some time, you can keep a copy of your short list of the more general  hashtags and copy/paste them in the text or comment. Then add the more specific hashtags, related to what you are about to post.

Hashtags are not the only way to optimize your Instagram SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Your Instagram bio is another space for searchable keyword. Use this space to describe your business. Think about easy keywords that your Ideal Instagram Customer will most likely use to find the content that you offer.

Additionally, writing descriptive captions with keywords enhances your content's visibility 👀 . To give your content a better chance of showing up in search, sprinkle in relevant keywords in your caption that you think your audience may search for.

Now that you're equipped with strategies to optimize your Instagram profile, it's time to implement them and track your progress. If you have a business account or a creator profile on Instagram, you’ll get a comprehensive analytics tool to measure your account performance.This built-in analytics is great for understanding individual post insights. Also, it gives you a detailed breakdown of reach and impressions as well as how you managed to attract each viewer – whether it’s from home, hashtags, profile, and so on.

In conclusion, harnessing the power of hashtags, optimizing your Instagram bio with relevant keywords, and crafting descriptive captions are vital components of an effective Instagram SEO strategy. By implementing these tactics, you can enhance your visibility, engage with your target audience, and ultimately grow your presence on the platform. With dedication and strategic execution, you'll be well on your way to mastering Instagram SEO and achieving your goals on the platform. Keep experimenting, stay consistent, and watch your Instagram presence flourish! ✨

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"Link in Bio" is dead ☠️


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