"Link in Bio" is dead ☠️

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You already know that consistently creating captivating content is essential for growing your audience and online business on Instagram. However, the work doesn't end with posting; engaging with your audience by responding to DMs and comments is crucial. Are you tuned in to what your followers want are you letting them know about your services and offers? Or does selling make you cringe and you are just hoping that people will click the links in your bio?

If you're still using Linktree, you might not be aware that you can now add up to five links 🔗 directly in your Instagram bio. (Simply go to Edit profile > Links > Add external Link to access this feature). It is possible to rearrange the added links by dragging them across the order, however only the first link will be visible to the person who visits your profile. Remember, don't overwhelm your visitors with too many links; make it easy for them to find what you're referring to in your posts.

A more effective way

But it is important that you know that the phrase "link in bio" is becoming outdated. There's now a more effective way to get your audience to take action.  You may have noticed me or other content creators ask viewers to comment with a specific word at the end of a reel, followed by receiving a DM with the promised content. No, these content creators are not glued to their phones all day to reply to the comments 😉 , they have outsourced this part and use an automated chat marketing service called Manychat.

ManyChat is revolutionizing this process by allowing you to seamlessly guide potential customers to desired destinations without the hassle of leaving the post, navigating to the bio, and then finding the link. Instead, customers receive instant access to freebies, promos, sales pages, or any other content you're promoting. This automation fosters personalized interactions, building trust and ultimately leading to higher conversion rates.

While ManyChat offers a free version, it kind of feels like a teaser just to get a taste of it and  to get you to pay for the upgraded version, priced at $15 per month. Think of ManyChat as the new and improved "Link In Bio," facilitating meaningful engagement and conversations while streamlining the process for both you and your audience. Moreover, ManyChat is fully approved by Meta, making it a reliable tool for chat marketing.

The benefits of ManyChat's automation features extend beyond time-saving; Case studies demonstrate how businesses have successfully utilized ManyChat to increase engagement and conversions, underscoring its effectiveness in today's digital world.

My experience

I have been using Manychat for 5 months now and it’s easy to set up the automation but it still takes practice to teach your audience to interact with your posts in this way. Not only do you have to kind of train them to comment with a specific word, you will also need to discover what they want and find valuable so that they get excited about commenting and are appreciative of what you share with them in the DM’s. It’s a constant learning process and I am looking forward to get better at it. I’m going to be working on a desirable freebie that will make my followers want to sign up for my newsletter. Even though email marketing 📧 sounds kind of old school, it is where sales happen 💰. It’s very important to keep growing your list, or start one if you don't have one yet.

Manychat for you?

Now you probably wonder if it’s worth it for you to sign up for? If you're looking to automate some customer interactions (not all of course) and to drive sales it’s absolutely worth trying it out. But if you are not spending much time replying to comments and DM’s and you are not actively growing your email list or promoting your services and you don’t feel you need this right now then you know it’s available when you do need it.

Automating parts of your business will make a difference! And remember that Instagram is a long game because building a strong brand presence and growing your audience organically requires patience, persistence and a long-term mindset.

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