RE-discover the magic ✨ of Instagram.

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How would you feel if Instagram didn’t exist anymore? If today was your last day on the app, what would you do? Does it feel somewhat like a relief, or does it cause anxiety? Instagram plays a unique role in our lives, a platform that many have a love/hate relationship with. Let’s explore this and rediscover the magic of Instagram.

The Love/Hate Relationship

Many of us experience a mix of emotions while scrolling through our Instagram feeds. Some posts bring joy 😃, others may make you feel less good about yourself 😔 and many posts you may not be interested in and quickly scroll past.

You probably also feel the pressure to consistently create content for your personal brand and business. Yes it can be daunting but there's a lot of good that Instagram brings into our lives. And I’d like to focus on that!

The Good in Instagram

Consider how easy it is to connect with people worldwide 🌎 . Instagram opens doors to getting to know, reaching out, and connecting with others. If Instagram ceased to exist, would you use to Facebook or TikTok?  No, that doesn't sound as appealing right? Let’s face it; if Instagram didn’t exist any longer you would probably miss it, right? I would! Instagram with its unique visual appeal, creates a space for genuine connections and inspiration.

I have made friends on Instagram, I have worked with a lot of different brands through Instagram and I’m excited to say that I’m now selling my first digital course (On-Camera Confidence Course) on Instagram. Do you think you are using Instagram to it’s fullest potential or do you think can you use Instagram better?

Using Instagram Better 📲

Let's make Instagram a magical place. Connect with people you wouldn't have met in real life, get inspired, and learn from those you admire. It's a tool for making friends and doing business. Remember, Instagram is what you make of it.

My husband doesn't use Instagram daily but I will send him cute dog videos and some things that I know would make him laugh. He says “how do you even find these things”? Well they appear on my feed because I like that stuff and the algorithm recognizes that and will give me more of that. And that’s and important reminder. If you don’t like your current feed, you may need to do some cleaning up.

Protect Your Zen 😇

1.Unfollow accounts that post stuff that doesn’t make you feel good and you don’t learn from.

2. If a friend is posting a lot and you feel triggered or judgmental about it you can MUTE the account instead of unfollowing him or her. They won’t know; the posts will stop appearing in your feed. (“following: button> Mute> select posts/stories)

3. Fill your feed with accounts that you love; mark them as your favorites. (“following” button> Add to favorites)

 Ok so now you have refreshed your feed let’s focus on setting your account up for success:

Instagram serves as a digital business card, before anyone will every find your website and order your product or buy your service they will most likely first check out your Instagram page to see if you are legit. Also people don’t just buy from anyone, they buy from people and brands they know, like and trust. Your Instagram content serves to build that relationship.


Let’s start with your bio.When was the last time you’ve updated your IG bio? Is the information still accurate and does it represent you well? In this very limited space you want to say who you are, what you do and who this content is for. What problem are you solving, what value are you adding? And why should people hit the “follow” button? It should be concise, engaging and reflect your style. In case you need some more guidance click here to get the action steps to update and improve your bio.


Don’t forget that you are the boss, you are the one in charge of your page and you decide how much content you can create weekly. Set a realistic content creation goal that adds value. Pick a number that is viable to you. It doesn't matter what other people do, what matters most is that you create content that is valuable to your audience and that makes it worth your time creating. If you feel overwhelm and pressure, check in with yourself; are you asking too much of yourself or did you not schedule in time to create content? Just winging it and squeezing it in usually doesn't work very well. Planning is crucial. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail

But wait, we're not done yet. After you post your content, it's time to engage.


It’s a good feeling when your content receives the attention it deserves right? It’s nice to read comments, see many likes and reach more people than you could meet and work with in-person in a day.  Trust me everyone feels that way; so don't’ just wait for engagement- engage with the people that you want to see engaging with your posts. Go to their pages, and comment on their post- make them feel seen. And  tag a few people that would benefit from the  post; show them that you care.

This mutual interaction helps build a sense of community and can increase visibility for your own posts. By actively participating in conversations, supporting others, and forming genuine connections, you're more likely to receive similar engagement on your own content. It's a social strategy that leverages the principle of reciprocity ♻️ to foster a more interactive and supportive Instagram presence.

Be active, not passive. Give what you want to receive. And remember that every conversation can lead to a sale. and genuine engagement builds a supportive community.

Let’s use Instagram better, make it your magical place where you get to connect with people you would have never met in real life. Get inspired and learn from the people you aspire to be like, and connect with all the people that are your potential customers. The ones that feel inspired by your content and learn from you; they want to hear from you, they want you guidance to live a better, healthier and happier life. Let Instagram be a place in which you get inspired and you inspire others. A place where you learn and you teach.

My wish for you is that you will transform Instagram into a fullfilling space for genuine connections and success. 💜

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