Insights From a Year of Daily Posting 📆

consistency is key for Instagram success
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I like challenges and commit to a few every year. Last year I wondered if I could commit to posting daily for a year. I put myself through the test and it wasn’t easy but I did it. Even when I was tired, uninspired and when it was inconvenient I still posted. It was a commitment to myself that I wanted to keep and see what happened.

The first question most people ask is; did you gain a lot of followers? I think I would have had a better answer to this question if it was a new IG page, instead I used my health coaching/fitness page and converted it into an Instagram coaching page for fitness and health and wellness professionals. It’s a very specific niche that may not have resonated with a large part of my audience as they were looking for personal health and fitness advice and not necessarily to increase their visibility online or dream of an online business in this field.

And that's why I first lost followers, but I wasn't worried because I gained new followers that really benefited and enjoyed the content that I shared. So yes, I lost and gained followers, but more importantly, I've been focusing on the right audience. Therefore I removed hundreds of inactive follower and suspicious bot account. Why? Because our posts are only seen by a small percentage of our followers and I want to make sure I increase my chances of the right people see my posts, the ones that really benefit from what I have to share and engage with my content. The quality of your audience is much more important than the quantity.

During this year I have experimented a lot, at first I was mostly focused on speaking reels but I also enjoyed the convenience of B-roll reel’s popularity ( B roll where you see someone doing something and text overlaps the video) and I also sprinkled in some thoughtful quotes and illustrations. 90% of my content was Instagram coaching related and 10% of the posts I shared a little bit about me and my life. It was interesting that the personal posts were generally higher in engagement; people enjoy connecting on a personal level.

I felt like a content creation machine; I was first writing out my script for the Podcast, then converting that into a blog post, and then I would create 3-4 content pieces from that + additional content. I really like how that gives a theme to the week and direction for content creation.  I was wondering if I would ever run out of ideas? Surprisingly that hasn’t happened yet. I think that is because I am not just teaching what I have learned in the past but I continue to learn and there is always more to share.

You know what exercise and content creation have in common? The more you do it, the easier it gets, and in order to see results, you have to be consistent. ma

The three services that have helped me level up my game is ( name 3 services)

1.  Canva for nicer visual presentation of my page. Canva is an online graphic design platform- It’s very easy to use. It has a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface and it provides access to a vast library of templates, stock photos, illustrations, and design tools I used it for blog related post illustrations, cover photos, inspirational quotes and B roll reels. Read more about Canva here.

2. Manychat  to have some posts responses automated. Manychat is an automated chat marketing service. By simply asking your audience to comment with a certain word they can instantly receive instant access to freebies, promos, sales pages, or any other content you want to share with them. This automation fosters personalized interactions, building trust and ultimately leading to higher conversion rates. Read more about Manychat here.

3. Submagic is an AI ( artificial intelligence) tool for content creators that  automatically generates eye-catching & trendy captions with emojis for short-form content. You can Customize your captions by selecting colors to emphasize certain words, leveraging emojis to convey nuanced emotions and capturing attention more effortlessly.

Do you know what the best thing is that came out of this challenge?  I got to know my audience interest and struggles and found a gap in the market; a lot fitness, and health and wellness professionals shy away from speaking directly into camera, and miss out on a personal connection and engagement with their audience. I struggled with that too in the past and was able to overcome the obstacles and figured so many people would benefit from learning this skill. So I created and successfully launched my On-Camera Confidence Course.

 And you know what I did to not waste any time? I created an outline of my course, I designed a sales page and focused on selling the course before creating it. I wanted to hit a certain number before committing a lot of time to create it. And now I have made it, it will launch over and over again. It may need some fine tuning and new additions over time but it will become a passive income stream. And I already have other course ideas that  I will work on later this year. If you are interested in joining the next On-Camera Confidence course DM me the word COURSE

Now you probably want to know if I will continue to post daily? No! I was very happy and relieved to take the pressure off and have skipped a few days since. Posting daily is not necessary for sustained results. Moving forward, I'll maintain a balance between consistency and quality, aiming for 5 and a minimum of three posts per week and prioritizing meaningful connections and impactful content.

It has definitely build an important muscle called “consistency”! Have you challenged yourself to commit to posting a certain number of posts weekly? I encourage you to experiment! Let's continue to innovate, evolve, and share our unique voice with the world.

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Embrace Progress, Forget 🙅‍♀️ Perfection