EMF Exposure and Your Health

EMF exposure and health

In our ever connected world, EMFs, those mysterious electromagnetic ⚡️fields are all around us emanating from electronic devices, WiFi networks and power lines.

I'm going to take you on a journey through my personal experience with WiFi and uncover the intricate ways EMFs can influence our nervous system and overall brain health.

My personal experience

I can still vividly recall the excitement of moving into our dream home in Malibu. The space, light, and those breathtaking ocean views made it seem like paradise. The first week was bliss, with peaceful nights and uninterrupted sleep 😴. But then, something changed. I couldn't fall into a deep sleep anymore, waking up countless times during the night. Desperate for a solution, I tried herbal supplements, soothing music, and every trick I knew to ensure a good night's rest, but nothing seemed to work. Exhausted and at my wits’ end 😫, I even contemplated taking prescription sleeping pills.

That's when I reached out to my naturopath for help. She began by asking about powerlines around our house, and I couldn't spot any directly above. Then she inquired about the location of our WIFI. It wasn't near the bedroom; it was on the ground floor. However, something clicked in my mind: my husband had bought a WIFI extender to boost the signal in the office space adjacent to our bedroom. Could this be the culprit? It was worth a try. I unplugged the WIFI extender and that night, I slept significantly better. A few days later, my sleep patterns returned to normal! For many years now, we turn off our WiFi at night, and even our guests often remark about the quality of sleep they get in our home.

Sensitivity to WIFI

I am apparently sensitive to WiFi, the impact was undeniable. I realize that not everyone may be as sensitive to Wi Fi as I am, but there are also people that are more sensitive. Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) is a real phenomenon. Some individuals experience symptoms like headaches, dizziness, and cognitive difficulties when exposed to EMF from wireless devices. You may not have any of these symptoms, but jsut because you can't see EMFs does not mean it can't negatively impact your health.


Let's explore how WIFI affects our brains. Some studies suggest that prolonged exposure to radio frequency radiation (RF) from devices like cellphones might increase the risk of brain tumors. I love my wireless headphones and there is a good chance that you are listening to this episode with your earbuds in and I hate to say it but you may thank me later:

Bluetooth headsets emit more radiation than corded headsets. I have heard it described as: they are basically mini cell phone towers that you stick in your ears.  While there are websites that present studies that link RF Radiation (which Bluetooth is) to things like cancer, sleep problems, DNA damage and infertility. Pretty Scary 😳! However the government agencies are saying there is no reason to be concerned at all…  I personally think it’s smart to know how to protect yourself and continue to educate yourself on this subject.

The one thing we know for sure is that technology is advancing rapidly and we are part of a technology driven world. And a lot of it benefits us; who doesn't love the convenience of  Amazon shopping 🛒 , working remote and never having to enter a bank to manage bills and finances. It’s not like we are going back in time and not spend as much time behind our computers and send faxes and letters instead of emails. 😂 We love our wireless headphones and are not going to switch back to corded ones.


Here is what I do with my electronic devices to shield myself from EMS. I use a products called WaveBlock™  I’m simply applying stickers to my electronic devices that significantly reduce the effects of harmful radiation. I know it’s hard to believe that a sticker can have that much impact, but I am a believer and I prefer to have some type of protection than nothing at all. If you decide to purchase products from WaveBlock™  you can use this link or enter discount code “JILL” for 10 percent off.


have you heard of grounding? The concept of "grounding" also know as "earthing" involves making direct contact with the Earth's surface, like walking barefoot 👣 on natural surfaces like gras, sand or soil. The Earth is considered a large reservoir of negatively charge electrons and grounding may help dissipate some of the electromagnetic energy that accumulates in the body due to exposure to of electronic devices and other sources of EMF. This potentially reduces stress, inflammation, improve sleep and overall well-being.

Scientific research on this topic is still in it’s infancy but I think that anytime spend in nature and away from electronic devices makes any human being feel good 😃. Being outdoors is always time well spent. If you live in a city and you don’t want to take your shoe’s of and stand in some dog crap in the little park around the corner you may consider grounding mats or grounding bedding. If you are curious and would like to learn more about Earthing; There is a documentary on YouTube about it. I think it’s worth watching.

I work behind the computer and on my phone for many hours every day and one other thing I do to disconnect from my electronic devices: at dinner time I turn my phone on airplane mode and let it charge overnight in the living room - I don’t take the phone into the bedroom.


In conclusion, while scientific research on EMF is ongoing, spending time in nature and reducing electronic device exposure can undoubtedly make you feel better. If you're often behind a computer 💻 constantly attached to your phone, consider healthier habits like not having your device in your bedroom, using an alarm clock instead of your phone, and turning off WIFI at night. Your well-being is worth the effort.

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