Instagram Filters: Navigating The Gap Between Real & Ideal.

Instagram filters

My IG reel about using filters certainly was a conversation 🗣️ starter. The video starts with me talking with a filter; it looks like I have make-up on and no pores- I then continue talking without the filter and you can see my real face pop-up again.😅

A lot of people were fired up and the comments varied from “Filters are the worst” and “I think it is unrealistic and leads to body dysmorphia” But I also heard; “I want to hate them but some of the days when you feel ugly its nice with a light filter”. And one friend mentioned: “My posts always do better the messier/real-er they are. Anything too polished and pretty doesn’t perform as well”.

During my long time modeling career I have seen a lot of different versions of myself; it happened quite a few times that my parents didn’t even recognize me in photos! The combination of make-up, hair and light made it all a work of art- but far from reality! I walked looking into the studio as a young natural looking girl and a few hours later I looked like a sophisticated woman. It sure was kind of cool to see myself transformed and I essentially played a role during every shoot. But I was always very happy to wash off the make-up 💄 and feel like myself again.

I was part of the industry that set ridiculous beauty standards. I declined the offers from my agents to have my breasts enhanced but I did have moles on my face removed to get beauty campaigns, I did get braces to improve my smile- it was my job to look good and to sell products with my looks. Fortunately over the years much has changed in the modeling industry; people wanted to see more diversity and authenticity; a more realistic representation of the world. And it’s great that we continue to see that in all media, including social media.📱

We now celebrate bodies in all different shapes and sizes. Freckles, imperfection and wrinkles are more accepted and less photoshopped and we even show our before and after photos of our tummies; taken only a minute apart. One showing a perfectly sculpted mid-section and the next one a relaxed more round shaped version. It’s clear: We want more authenticity, we love it when people show up raw and vulnerable but we keep getting more and more sophisticated filters; what is that about? We can now shrink body parts, grow a booty 🍑 and auto-tune our face within minutes. And let’s try not be to be judemental here. If you use filters or you know others that do. Let’s just talk about why we use filters!

Why do we use filters?

The obvious answer is that filters can instantly improve the overall aesthetic of photos and videos. They can make colors more vibrant, adjust lighting and add a personal touch to content. And visually appealing content tends to attract more engagement. And filters can hide minor flaws, blemishes, or imperfections, making the individual appear more polished and perfect. And this aligns with societal beauty standards and can boost self-confidence. In some cases audiences have come to expect a certain level of visual quality from their favorite influencers or content creators and filters help meet these expectation and maintain audience engagement

It is important to note that while filters can enhance content and boost your confidence. It can also contribute to unrealistic beauty standards and a distorted perception of reality. And this is why there is an increased emphasis on authenticity and transparency in the world of influencers and content creators. Encouraging individuals to balance the use of filters with genuine unfiltered moments.

You make a difference!

As a fitness or health and wellness professional, you play an important role in promoting a healthy self image on social media. With your reach and your influence you have the power to shape perceptions and expectations surrounding physical fitness and wellbeing the way you show up makes a difference.

Now i'm not saying don't ever use a filter; you can use a filter but just use them responsibly. Be smart about it and also make sure to have plenty of content that shows the unfiltered you. I do want to remind you that all filters are not created equal I do strongly advise not to use any filters that changes the shape of your body or face.

Looking good without filters involves embracing our natural appearance and taking good care of our physical and mental wellbeing. The things that help me feel good about my appearance is that I take really good care of my skin. I try to find the best possible natural light in the space that I'm filming in and if the light is not great I'll set up a ring light.

But more importantly, it's the energy ⚡️ that you bring to the screen! Confidence is attractive. Embrace your unique features and quirks and believe in yourself and others will too. Stand tall with good posture. It not only makes you look more confident, but it can also improve your physical appearance. And the best thing you can wear is a smile it radiates positivity and makes you more approachable.

And remember that beauty is subjective and what matters most is how you feel about yourself! Embrace your natural beauty, practice self-love 💜 and focus on being the best version of yourself rather than trying to conform to unrealistic standards perpetuated by filters on social media.

I would love to hear your perspective, DM me anytime or shoot me an email:


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