Embrace Progress, Forget πŸ™…β€β™€οΈ Perfection

The journey towards progress, improvement, and expansion

Throughout life, our deepest regrets often originate from opportunities left unexplored rather than the actions we've taken. And that’s why I want to emphasize the significance of prioritizing progress over the pursuit of perfection.  

The journey towards progress, improvement and expansion may be messy, challenging and trigger insecurities but don't let it stop you! Delaying decisions stalls progress.

The pursuit of perfection can really get in the way to initiate or complete projects, pursue new business ventures, or embrace fresh challenges. By fixating on achieving flawless outcomes, we risk paralysis and inaction. Instead, embracing imperfection becomes pivotal in navigating the complexities of our endeavor. Embracing imperfection is key.

Have you ever had a perfect day where everything was going as planned, no surprises, nothing had to be rescheduled and no uncomfortable situations presented themselves? Do those actually exist?

Would you stay in bed all day just because you anticipate facing challenges? No, you rise and confront each task as it comes, tackling issues as they arise and striving to accomplish what needs to be done. Similarly, when considering starting a new project, committing to a course, or launching a side hustle, there's rarely an ideal moment. Life gets hectic, time flies by. Yet, if you have a burning desire to grow and a vision for your future, procrastination only hinders progress. Seize the moment and take that first step toward your aspirations.

Waiting for the right time?!

Reflection often reveals the intricacies of timing in our lives. Hindsight enables us to recognize the synchronicities that emerge when we dare to leap, follow our instincts, and pursue personal growth. Trusting in the unfolding journey after making pivotal decisions to  start, commit, or embrace challenges allows us to relinquish control and embrace the unknown. The universe possesses a remarkable ability to guide us along unexpected pathways, nudging us towards our destined destinations, even if it means turning our our lives upside down to redirect our course.

Reflecting on my own journey; launching this podcast stands as a testament to the power of perseverance amidst uncertainty. If I had waited for the right time I would have not started my podcast, I didn’t know anything about recording and editing audio, I had no clue how I would get my podcast listed on the major podcast platforms. And to come up with a name for the podcast is another big commitment; that could have easily justified procrastination. Plus, I was dealing with the stress of losing my main source of income. But I committed to recording weekly episodes; I set a start date and got to work despite all the uncertainty and challenges I was facing.

Each episode took me many hours of recording and editing and as you know these episodes are short, less than 10 minutes.  It was a grind, no doubt about it. But you know what? Week by week, things started to click. After recording 30 episodes, I can now say I've definitely gotten better, more efficient. Sure, there are still some things I'm figuring out, like getting a slick intro with some music, and it’s not easy to come up with new topics for each episode. But it’s all working out. There is progress.

 If you are thinking about starting or completing something here are a few tips:

Get is started and get it done

 1. Pick a Date and Stick to It: Seriously, set a date and commit. It's the first step towards making your dreams a reality.

 2. Put in the Work: Even when life gets crazy and you've got a million other things going on, make time for what matters. Your goals deserve your attention.

 3. Celebrate the Wins: Don't forget to pat yourself on the back along the way. Every little victory counts, no matter how small.

Doubts and worries might creep in, especially when you're juggling a packed schedule. But trust me, the journey towards fulfillment is worth every ounce of effort you put in, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone constantly.

Saying YES to something may also mean saying NO to something else. Where can you make space? What do you need to do to gain some extra headspace and free up some time? Maybe it's time to consider outsourcing or delegating tasks that stress you out or eat up too much of your precious time. And a NO can sometimes just mean NOT NOW. You're in charge, you make the decisions. So go ahead, take that leap. You'll thank yourself later.

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